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Videoconferences | Intercultural Communication.
São Paulo
Florianópolis | Barcelona | 1999-2001

Perforum Project:

a Brazilian telebration

The Perforum Project was conceived to commemorate the 500 years of Brazil at the turn of the millennium in a critical and innovative way. Its fundamental concept is one of dialogic interaction among artists, individuals, theoreticians, historians, from countries, regions, ethnic groups and cultures that have participated in the process of Colonization, in the movement of the Navigations, in the Ethnographic and

Cultural Constitution of the Americas, specially of Brazil.Perforum proposes that the theoretical and aesthetic reflection about the historical encounter of distant cultures that occurred during Brazilian colonization be presentlymanifested through telecommunications and the ciberspace. The complex process of multicultural interaction envisioned intends to mimetize, to question, to transcreate the syncretism that have resulted from the Conquest of the Americas through the contemporary technology of telecommunications.

The arrival of the European in America has been permeated by ethnic, political, and religious conflicts, resulting in coexistence and diversity, triggering a long-extending historical process still being experienced and interpreted.

Telecommunication systems presently allows for the implementation of systems of intergraphics, video-interaction, co-education between distant agents, providing for the confrontation of cultural differences and the emergence of new social, political and cultural situations in a planetary scale. Perforum structures the telematic reencounter between the European, the Amerindian, the Afroamerican and all their descendants, designing a new cartography for our time.

by Artur Matuck and the Perforum Collective

São Paulo, Brazil, 1999

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